Buffalo 66

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Movie: 1988
imdb.jpg BD Rating: C


Just before 8”, woman in shorts and black pantyhose in tap dance class where Christina Ricci is seen wearing a light blue micro mini dress the texture of a sheet and matching patterned pantyhose, with glittery tap shoes (heels); she wears this throughout. An ex-con abducts her in the hallway, pulling up her dress as far up her thighs as it can go, with a panty glimpse at 12” when she squats; he shuffles her off to his car, with three interior looks through 15”. At 20”, she’s seen exiting the car and walking towards the ex con’s parent’s house with him, sitting on their front porch at 21”, with an excellent look at 22”: ground level of stoop with Ricci approaching the front door, can see panties through dress initially. The next and the best sequence begins at the bowling alley (54”), which includes Ricci pretending she’s bowling followed by an almost 2” tap dance around a pole starting at 58”; just after, Ricci’s real attempts at bowling, the first providing a panty glimpse, and at 1’02”-when she bends over to get her ball-a solid panty look. She’s seen walking: at 1’12”, into a Denny’s restaurant, 1’19” into a motel, 1’24” in the motel room; at 1’25” she sits next to the bathtub facing us, for some reason is concerned about us seeing up her short dress (we’re the only ones facing that way) and tries to pull it down while crossing her legs.

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